
Ideas to celebrate Earth Day in Australia

Each year on August 22nd, the world celebrates Earth Day. Aimed at raising awareness and
support for our Earth’s environmental protection, it is a movement that has gained
considerable momentum since its conception over half a century ago in 1970.

As for
Australia, with its rich and diverse landscape, ecosystems and wildlife, the need to protect
and conserve the planet we thrive on has never been more understood. If, like so many
people globally, you would like to support and promote environmental protection too, below
are a range of ideas for celebrating Earth Day in Australia.

Why do we celebrate Earth Day?

Earth Day, celebrated each year in August, marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern
environmental movement of 1970.  After decades of environmental carelessness, this effect on our planet could no longer be ignored.  On August 22nd, 1970 nearly 20
million people across America took to the streets
, parks and auditoriums to demonstrate

the impact this was having on our planet and to call for change.

In the years since then, Earth Day and the drive to do more to support environmental
protection has grown in force. Today, Earth Day is widely recognised as the largest secular
observance in the world, marked by more than a billion people every year as a day of action
to change human behaviour and create global, national and local policy changes.
Ideas to celebrate Earth Day in Australia

facts about koalas
Australian koala

Plant some koala trees

Our beautiful koala population in Australia is threatened. One of the main things they need to
survive are trees and a lot of them! Koalas love Eucalyptus trees, so a helpful way to
celebrate Earth Day in Australia could be by planting a few in your area.

Take a rubbish bag when walking the dog

When taking your dog for a walk, take a rubbish bag along for the ride and pick up any litter
you may find. You could also consider plogging. Plogging is where you jog and pick up rubbish along the way. This is growing in popularity in Australia, and we often see ploggers on our drive to school in Brisbane, Australia.

Put out some open water for local wildlife

bird bath filled with water for wildlife
placing a stick or rock in the water source will give wildlife a way to escape

In Australia, the weather can get extremely hot and dry. By putting a flat bowl of water out,
local wildlife can have a drink if needed and may even jump in and cool down in it
too! The key is to use a shallow dish and add a stick sliding outwards to allow birds and bees to escape.

Help clean the beaches

Did you know that three-quarters of the rubbish on our Australian coastline is
plastic, most of which comes from our shores? Next time you are at the beach, picking up
any rubbish you see there will ensure it stays beautiful and stop it from
being ingested by local turtles or seabirds.

Create a butterfly garden in your home

Encourage and support more butterflies in your backyard by creating your own butterfly

Make a frog hotel

Creating a frog hotel is another fantastic way to celebrate Earth Day and encourage wildlife into your backyard. Relatively quick to make, before long, there will be plenty of sweet green
friends checking in for the night. Not only fun, though, a frog hotel will also provide them with
a safe place to live.

Set off on a bush scavenger hunt

Discover and learn about the native plants and animals in your area by playing a

bush scavenger hunt or bush bingo game. See who can find the most items on their scavenger hunt. Here is the free downloadable scavenger hunt version

australian bush scavenger hunt free downloadable

Create a herb or vegetable garden

Why not consider creating your own backyard herb or vegetable garden this Earth Day?
Growing your own produce is a beautiful way to educate kids about the care and necessity
of food production. Not only will they love watching it grow until the final product is on their
plate, but they will also learn about plant biology along the way too.

Plant some native plants to your area

Did you know that most insects will not eat non-native plants? As plants, animals and
insects depend on each other, a vital food source can be lost with fewer insects.
Check which plants are native in your garden and consider replacing non-native,
invasive ones with native ones. They are made for Australia’s beautiful, warm climate and
require less water and care to thrive.

Create a bird feeder

Using a paper roll, string, and bird seed, you can create your own backyard bird
feeder with your kids. Research which seeds are best for the birds in your area, and away
you go!

Provide shelter for wild visitors

You can help provide valuable shelter for your local wild visitors by making small
changes to your backyard. Scattering a few rocks and branches will provide the crevices
and shelter lizards love, and your local Aussie possum and bird community will use any nesting boxes you put up too.

Make your next meal meat-free

Choosing to eat green for the day is a great way to help sustain our environment. Try out
some vegan recipes and add any favourites as new lunch box filler ideas. Meat-free Monday is becoming popular in Australia.

Walk, bike or take public transport

If that beloved Aussie sun is out and you are heading somewhere local, rather than drive
, why not consider walking, riding or taking public transport? It is not only good for the
environment, but getting active is also good for your health!

Watch the water usage

Take a quick shower, let the rain water the garden and don’t let the water run when brushing
your teeth. They are all small things that go a long way towards saving water and our

Cut down on your plastics use

Plastics are one of the most harmful things to our environment. They get ingested by our
turtles and seabirds and pollute our environment. Where possible, choose recyclable and
reusable products instead.

Visit an animal sanctuary

Educate your family about conservation and the plight of many of our endangered Australian
animals by visiting an animal sanctuary or wildlife centre.

Improve your home’s energy efficiency

Turning off power sources that are not required is a great way to be conscious about your effect on the environment on Earth Day. Switch off lights during the day and unplug anything that isn’t being used.

Hang the clothes out

Australia is known for its beautiful, sunny weather. Make the most of this and look after the
planet by hanging your clothes out instead of putting them in the dryer.

Make art from nature

pressed australian flowers

Celebrate Earth Day in Australia by creating a piece of bush art! Press native flowers,
create your outback bush diorama, make a collage or sketch and paint a picture of your
own backyard. Collect your favourite flowers, stick and label them on paper and frame it for
your room.

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Ngaire has lived in Australia her whole life, raising her three kids in Brisbane. She has qualifications in journalism, PR and early childhood teaching and spends what spare time she has advocating for Australian wildlife.

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